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Your Online Dating Grammar Matters!

Sometimes I don’t use the best grammar. I know it bothers you and I’m doing my best to correct my grammar mistakes. I’ll tell you one thing I never do when it comes to dating use bad grammar. It very well could be one of the main reasons why you’re not getting laid as much as you could.

grammar matters when dating online

According to a recent article published on the famous Gizmodo website, poor grammar is a huge deal. It just might be a true deal breaker.

What I’m trying to say is that your grammar may be a big reason why you’re not successful. According to the article, of the singles who were included in the study, 48% of them mentioned that poor grammar was a deal breaker.

Zoosk Data To Back It Up

The singles that were surveyed were from a dating site called Zoosk. It was primarily the women who were not giving those grammatically incorrect guys a chance. 65% of the women said that poor grammar was considered to be a red flag.

YOLO Sucks

Another interesting fact that was revealed as a result of the survey was that using a casual YOLO resulted in a decreased response rate of almost 50%. For those of you who aren’t great when it comes to data and statistics, that’s considered to be a lot!

The moral of the story is simple, be sure to check your dating profile for grammar mistakes and use your brain when messaging girls or sending texts. I’d suggest that you not ever use the acronym YOLO. If you do, there’s almost a guarantee that you won’t get laid. Simple as that.

Go The Extra Mile

As an added level of advice, I’d like to suggest you put forth the extra effort when it comes to dating mature women.

Although they do enjoy spending time hooking up with younger guys, they don’t enjoy playing school teachers and correcting them concerning the most basic grammar concepts.


Use your brain and do your best to put forth the effort to sound somewhat of average intelligence when trying to hook up with someone online! Oh, and for gosh sake’s stop using so many damn emojis. Most people can’t stand getting them. Just stop now!

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