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Why Your POF Username Sucks Big Time

Don’t worry, I’m not going to make you cry or anything like that. But I am going to tell you like it is. For starters, if you’re using POF then you deserve a swift kick in the nuts for doing so. It sucks! Secondly, your POF username probably sucks big time and that’s one of the reasons you’re not getting laid as much as you could be. Fret not, I’ll straighten you out once and for all here.

pof username sucks
Real shitty POF username

Here’s Why Your POF Username Sucks Or Your Dating Username In General

I’ve joined POF, also known as Plenty of Fish and I can tell you it was a good educational experience. No, I didn’t get laid, but what I did do is learn how fucking pathetic and uncreative some of your usernames really are. Then and there I realized that I hadn’t given a lesson on how to properly create a username for your dating profile. I did touch upon how important good grammar was but that’s it.

Sure, I may have briefly touched upon the subject but I never looked you straight in the face and told you why you suck or at least why the people looking at your profile think you truly suck ass.

I’m going to let you in on a little secret today. The best usernames are those that are usually puns or some type of plan on words. Stick with me here now. Having been providing you with kick ass dating advice online for a few years now, I know what works and what doesn’t. I’ve seen more shitty usernames that I can even count. I’m talking literally millions. My guess is that some of those people that have terrible usernames never get laid, EVER!

You’ve got to remember that you’re using an online dating site and you’re not the only one. That means you need to try and stick out or get noticed. A hairy dick pic isn’t going to do the trick either. So, get your mind out of the gutter dirt bag!

A killer username is the one differentiator that can separate you from the rest of the wolf pack. When girls see so many Jimmy103, JoeNYC9, LarryG20, they aren’t going to be playing with their pussy in awe suspense because they want to meet you to fuck. HELL NO! They are going to bypass you and the rest of the duds with shit names.

You’ve gotta be way more clever! Get creative AF!

A username should be somewhat descriptive and a minimum. This requires very little effort honestly. I’m talking about describing yourself. If you’re a black attorney, maybe use BlackLaw. Let’s say you’re a tall rich guy, you can use TallMoney. These aren’t bad but they aren’t great either!

Your best bet would be to use a play on words for your pof username or any dating username. For example, let’s say your an attorney with what you think is a big johnson, you could use HungJury. Here’s another one, let’s assume you love traveling and partying, you can use the username GlobeParty. Or if you’re a white guy that lives in Miami and you love latina girls you can use. MIA4Latina You get the idea. I suggest you use the word fun or sex in your username if you want to get laid too. It shows women what you’re all about right away!

Get out there and join a good adult dating site for starters (and not POF) if you haven’t done that yet. Secondly, if you have, be sure that your username is on point!

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