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What Women Look For On Dating Apps

The question of the day is quite simple. What are women really looking for when it comes to dating apps? I know, it’s kind of like asking how long is a piece of string.

We already KNOW what you want to get out of your dating app experience – enough shallow, hot, and wild sex to make your ding-a-ling fall off.

But what does SHE want?

Let’s take a quick look at the research behind women’s expectations, perceptions, and behaviors on social apps. Again, this is based on research, not necessarily my personal views. That said, I may or may not agree with some of the statistics but facts are facts and there is no denying that. Here’s what I know about women and what they might be looking for today on thousands of these iPhone and Android dating apps.

what do women want in apps?

Things That Women Look For And Want On Dating Apps

First, here are the facts…

85% of women look to see if they have a mutual friend before agreeing to meet a guy. But only 20% of men care if they have a mutual friend or not.

Maybe that’s because studies show the more mutual friends (or the degree to which they are close friends), the more polite and appropriate the guy will act. Now, if you’re a guy like me, you tend to shy away from people that you mutually know for that reason alone. I like no strings attached and no mutual relationships attached just so I don’t have to explain myself once done hooking up. To each their own though!

Here’s another fun fact, women view a guy’s profile photo for an average of 7.2 seconds, but men only glance at a girl’s photo for 4.1 seconds. Does that mean us guys are quick to judge? No idea, but I know a hot girl versus a mutt when I see one. Call me a dick – I don’t care.

you are a dick

Thanks, I know – but I get laid!

When it comes to interests (whether they’re listed on the profile or someone asks when you start messaging), women look to see what a man does for a living and his career, while men are just interested in more photos! This is something I 100% agree with and will do so until the day I die. I’m not interested in only dating a girl for her career. She can be a doctor, stripper, bartender or whatever and it’s not going to influence my decision to attempt to connect with her. Women on the other hand apparently care about guy’s and their career choices. Most likely because they are planning for something more long term.

Did you know that women are more apt to read about a guy’s likes and interests, while men basically don’t care about anything but the photos and signs of availability? Yes, you read that right and there’s a lot of truth to this, but once again, the facts are the facts and nothing more.

Are you using a dating app that focuses on chats? Perhaps the Snapsext site? If so, these numbers I’m about to share may shock you. On average, a man asks for a woman’s phone number after 30 messages. But women prefer to correspond for about 100 messages before giving up the digits!

What About The Actual Date?

Women prefer to go on a “proper” date to a restaurant, movie, or for coffee, etc.

Men are more likely to push for sex from the start, asking to meet and hang out in private.

Heck, that’s part of the reason why I love using the Fling mobile app as well as the Instabang app because both men and women using these tools are doing so for the same reasons. Not to meet for a formal date but just casual meetups that involve hooking up.

Messaging #Facts

When it comes to the ratio of messages sent versus the replies they get in return, there are some HUGE differences between men and women.

In fact, women on average receive one reply for every two messages they send (or people they like, swipe, click on, etc.), while men have to send dozens of messages (or like, wink, click, swipe, etc.) to get just one reply! However, this data is taking into consideration the tire kicker sites like POF, eHarmony, Match, and a number of other sites that simply don’t make the cut for being mutually beneficial hookup networks. Within the mutually beneficial networks, communication ratios are often 1:1.

Last but not least, men view three times as many profiles as women and are 40% more likely to send a message to get the ball rolling. This shouldn’t come as a shocker to you.

Okay, well, you’re probably thinking, he hasn’t told us what women want on dating apps and you’re right. The answer is, it depends what app they are using. To keep things simple, if they want sex, then use one of the apps listed here. If they want something else, then I can’t help.

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