Ugly and Horny Ad Use Needs To Be Explained!
I’m not sure about you, but I spend a significant amount of time browsing the web these days. As a result, I end up coming across lots of ads. Some of those ads are the typical ugly and horny ad. This type of banner ad can really be a doozy but it seems to attract you in like never before. I’m going to explain a thing or two about these “ugly and horny ads” and what you need to look out for.
The first thing that you’re probably wondering is whether or not they are legit?
To answer your question, some of them are totally legit. However, there are many ads out there that are a complete scam.
How To Spot Fake Ugly and Horny Ads Online
I’m going to give you the specific steps to take if you want to avoid a scam associated with this trendy advertising tactic.
The first thing that you need to know is many of these so-called ugly and horny women showcased in the ads are not even members of the associated dating sites. Some companies purchase photos of women having sex and they use them within the ads that they produce.
Here’s how it typically works…
As you browse the internet, you’ll come across an ad like the one shown below. They tell you that you do not need a credit card to join. They also explicitly state that you don’t even need to signup to use this site. That’s all a bunch of lies. Any average joe with common sense would understand that you need to join and register a dating site if you want to join. There’s literally no other way around it.
Once you click on the banner ad, you’ll immediately be redirected to a questionnaire process that takes a ton of time. See the image below to get a better idea as to what the typical question pages look like.
What you need to understand is that these are not real questions and your answers are not being recorded. The process is nothing more than a pure marketing ploy to get you to take action.
Eventually, once you’ve put in all the work to answer the questions, you’ll end up being redirected to another page that’s a completely different site. This is the page that contains the registration form for whatever site is trying to gain more members.
Here’s what is most important to understand:
Most of these sites that run ugly and horny ads incorporate the use of fantasy profiles or online cupids. Any dating network that uses these types of profiles is a huge waste of time!
What should you do instead?
What you should do is check out my “best of” page and check out all the top dating networks that I use today. You won’t ever find any of these dating networks advertising using the “ugly and horny” approach because they don’t need to do so. Take action and get laid or don’t. The choice is all yours to make.