How To Talk To Girls
Are you having trouble connecting with girls? If so, then you’re most likely struggling in the communication department. Which is why I’m here to share everything I know about talking to girls. Consider this a quick and dirty article that showcases the exact steps to take if you want to learn how to talk to girls today.
Trust me, your dating life literally depends on it! You legit MUST know how to talk to girls or you’re going to find yourself in deep trouble and by that I mean – not getting laid ever.
Here are some of my most prized tips for chatting with girls and the exact things you must consider should you want to meet someone and connect with them on a more intimate level.
8 Tips Help You Talk To Girls With Success
Now, you’ll need to keep an open mind here please and not over analyze things like you may have done in the past. Instead, just read this and take the necessary action when appropriate.
Tip #1 – Zero Hesitation Required
If you want to get out of the friend zone or refrain from getting in it, then you need to stop hesitating so much. Procrastination never got anyone laid and you will end up in the “we’re friends” bucket if you’re not careful.
Tip #2 – Don’t Fear Rejection
I know I might seem like I’m jumping the gun on this one, but you’ve got to embrace and accept rejection. Don’t be afraid to fail. It’s the people that are afraid to fail that never take the leap. If you put yourself out there, then you’re going to get rejected – it happens.
The alternative to that is never getting laid and spending the rest of your life jerking off to adult videos (if you’re going to do that, just use instead). Don’t be that guy, grow a set and embrace rejection.
I always say if you’re going to fail then just fail fast.
Tip #3 – Don’t Beat Around The Bush
You’ll notice that I don’t beat around the bush when it comes to my dating site reviews and I don’t beat around the bush with the women using the sites either.
In fact, I just get right out there and let women know how I feel about them and what I want. Yes, I do this in the most polite fashion possible.
Keep things clean and polite.
Tip #4 – Send A Text
Too many guys fumble with this one. They don’t send text messages when necessary. You ask a girl for her number and you don’t text her?
What the hell is the matter with you?
If you got her number then use it immediately. Connect with her as fast as possible and ask her out on a date. Keep is cordial and friendly, nothing dirty.
Tip #5 – Have A Plan And Goal
You’ve got an end goal right? To meet this girl locally and eventually hook up with her? Keep that goal in mind always because the second that you let that slip, you fall into a digital trap that’s tough to get out of. Just keep your eye on the prize bro.
Tip #6 – Have A Plan
The goal is to ask to meet her in person, so you need to have started a dialogue and asked her out. Now, you want to have a solid plan in place for your date night. Line up a restaurant, bar, hotel, whatever you’ve got planned. Just be ready and prepare for anything that she might through your way. Yes, if that means bringing condoms and male enhancement pills, then you bring them.
I always make a suggestion and follow that up with a, “Does that sound good?” because most of the time that approach gets them saying, yes.
Tip #7 – Engage In Physical Interaction ASAP
You want to get close to the girl that you’re trying to hook up with and talk to. Start with the basics of hugging her and let her feel like you’re a normal guy just looking to connect with a great woman. Touch her while talking to her but if she gives you weird vibes then you need to back off pronto.
Tip #8 – Focus On Her
Never lose focus and keep your conversation about her. Do not start boasting and bragging about yourself. You’re simply going to make yourself look like a certified douchebag if you do that.
There are plenty of things to ask her about. Start asking what she likes, what she’s passionate about, and be flirty with her.
To Sum Things Up…
I’ve provided you with the key concepts that teach you how to talk to girls. You’ve got all the knowledge that you need, not you just need to find a girl to talk to. My suggestion would be to hit up one of these networks here and see what happens.
You can apply all these same concepts and tips when communicating online via a dating network with women. If you have any questions on which network is the best, just join this one. From there on out it’s like shooting fish in a barrel. #BOOM