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Date Rape Drug 101: Tips To Avoid Getting Roofied!

Whether you’re single, casually dating, looking for a life partner, dating just for sex, or simply going out on the town with your friends, you need to proceed with caution. There’s something out there called the date rape drug that’s become a common problem that social people have had to deal with.

Have you ever woken up not remembering a thing from the night before? Ever passed out or blacked out without a clue as to what happened and how you got home? If so, then you might have been roofied. What I need you to understand here is that this applies to everyone, not just people actively looking to get laid. Unfortunately, there are people in this world that have zero regards for people’s safety and well-being. Hopefully obtaining this knowledge which I’m about to share today will help you avoid getting drugged.

I’ll be covering a few things below such as the formal name for these date rape drugs, how to determine whether or not you were drugged last night, the various signs and symptoms of being roofied, and most importantly, what to do if you get roofied.

Date Rape Drug Tips To Avoid It

Facts About The Date Rape Drug

Before getting started…

I want you to know that I’m 100% against the use of any of these drugs. They are completely illegal and giving someone drugs unknowingly and sexually assaulting them is a crime that doesn’t have a strong enough punishment as far as I’m concerned. If you know someone that’s trying to use roofies in order to hook up, please report them to local authorities. They need to be put in jail for good!

Why People Use Date Rape Drugs

The main reason why people may choose to drug someone using these substances is to try and make them fall asleep. These are drugs which are meant to put someone to sleep in a roundabout way. Most of the time they make you instantly pass out.

It’s about as scary as it gets.

They do this to take advantage of people and either sexually assault them or steal from them or perhaps both. Whatever the reason may be, it’s not good enough and it’s completely illegal. This happens quite a bit in Miami where I live and I’ve heard some horror stories of women taking advantage of men in nightclubs and even some of the local strip clubs using these drugs. So guys, don’t think you’re not likely to become a victim here – it can happen!

What Drugs Are They?

There are many drugs which are commonly used to make people go to sleep, but the most common drugs are GHB and Rohypnol. They have nicknames that people use to discreetly discuss things with drug dealers or their partners in crime. For example, GHB aka Gamma-hydroxybutyric acid is commonly referred on the street as liquid X, salty water, G water, gamma hydrate, liquid ecstasy, liquid E, and many more.

GHB liquid

Rohypnol is commonly known as roofs, roaches, rope, R pills, Mexican valium, forget pill, mind erasers, and many other slang terms. If you hear someone talking about these drugs, please alert authorities immediately.

Then there’s ketamine, which is also commonly referred to as special K. This is a horse tranquilizer and an instant anesthetic. This drug acts within an instant of consuming. It’s so dangerous that you might not even realize that you’ve been given this drug. It’s a white powder that’s easily slipped into your drink.

Benzodiazepines is another type of date rape drug that’s used these days. This is an anti-anxiety drug that makes people relax. Think of drugs like Xanax, Klonopin, and others. The scary part is that these are easily obtained and widely prescribed, making them drugs of choice for scumbags trying to take advantage of people.

Want to know what’s most shocking to me? These drugs are actually used recreationally and they’re taken voluntarily in order to get high. Consumers use them while drinking and the results can be dangerous, even life-threatening for some.

These drugs are not ones that you want to take recreationally without being prescribed by a doctor. They can kill you, so please do not try these out on yourself. It’s far too dangerous and quite frankly, drugs taken without a prescription is done so in an illegal manner.

package of rohypnol pills

Determining If You Were Drugged Last Night

Typically, those that get drugged have no recollection of things that happened the night before. Most victims will wake up confused, foggy, feeling as though things are a bit of a blur, not remembering how you got home, ripped clothes, torn or tugged at garments, feeling extremely hungover, having a drunk feeling without consuming much alcohol and more.

Some people have a rather difficult time determining whether or not they’ve been roofied or if they just excessively consumed alcohol. If you drink large quantities of alcohol on a regular basis, then there’s a good chance that you’ll be able to tell the difference of being severely hungover from alcohol or if you were given the date rape drug. If you feel more drunk than usual, then you need to take a step back and realize that you could have been slipped a pill or liquid from someone trying to take advantage of you.

Signs / Symptoms Of Being Roofied

If you’re hitting the bars or clubs by yourself or with some friends, then you need to not only protect yourself, but you also must understand the signs of roofied.

  • A loss of control in terms of physical movement
  • Drunk without drinking much alcohol
  • Slurred speech
  • Physically sick and extreme nausea
  • Difficulty seeing without blurred vision
  • Immense confusion
  • Lack of control
  • Feeling sedated
  • Sweating excessively
  • Trouble breathing
  • Feeling dreamy

If you feel any of these symptoms at any time while out on the town, then you need to do everything in your power to get help before it’s too late.

What To Do If You Think You Got Roofied

Assuming that you out on the town and you’re still able to conduct yourself in a manner in which you’re slightly in control, then you need to ask for help from an employee of the club/bar or ask a friend. If you’re alone, call 911 and let them know to the best of your ability that you think you were roofied and tell them where you are and who you are. They’ll attempt to ping the phone and trace your location if you do that. This can save you from being sexually assaulted.

Have someone on speed dial that you can reach out to as well and make sure someone knows where you are at all times. This will help you retrace your steps should you find yourself in a terrible situation.

Most importantly, get help and don’t ask a random girl or guy, because that person closest to you at the bar might be the one who roofied you. So please be careful.

How To Avoid Taking A Date Rape Drug

There are a couple of simple things that I suggest if you’re on a date with someone or if you’re out at the bar just having a few drinks with someone. Rule number one is to never take even a small sip of a drink if it’s handed to you from a random person. Trust your bartender and maybe your best friend that you went to the club with, no one else. That doesn’t mean you should accept drinks from someone buying them for you. Just be sure to watch the bartender make the drink.

The most common way that people get drugged is turning their back on their drinks. This is a huge mistake that too many people make. If you’re going to the bathroom, either take your drink with you or finish it and order another when you come back. Do not leave it at the bar, on the counter in the bathroom, or anywhere that’s out of your sight even for a second. That’s the worst mistake that you can make.

Lastly, don’t take pre-poured shots. Since date rape drugs typically taste bad, people try and mask the taste by passing out shots to people and inserting them in pure alcohol to hide the taste. If you’re going to take a shot, make sure that you see the person pour the shot for you.

I want to mention that there are discreet ways to test drinks before consuming them to determine if you’ve been drugged. A company launched a product called Undercover Colors which allows women to test their drinks via a kit. They also have a nail polish which can be applied to your nails and with a simple dip into your drink, the colors will change if spiked with something.

Online Dating And Date Rape Drugs

If you’re like me and you enjoy hooking up with local people for some casual dating and even sex, then you want to take note of the person that you’re meeting before you head to the bar or club. Take a screenshot of their profile and save it to your phone. This will allow you to keep a record of the person that you’re meeting should they try and drug you and delete their profile to move on.

Now, the great thing about using premium sex sites like Fling.com is that they require credit card payments and verification. This process makes it difficult for scumbags to drug you because their information is front and center. That’s one of the reasons why I avoid the new Backpage site called Bedpage and free dating networks like Plenty Of Fish. Go premium because these people care about your well-being and best interest. I cannot say the same for free dating sites filled with weirdos.

Well, that’s everything I know about date rape drugs and I hope this will help you hook up and remain safe while trying to have fun out on the town. Remember, whether you’re actively dating or in a relationship, you can become a victim of the date rape drug. Stay alert at all times and ask for help if you need it! Be safe!



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