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Is SnapChatting Other Guys Cheating?

Are you one of those guys who dates that girl who just has to show the world “what she is doing” on Snap Chat?  Do you know someone who just can’t stop playing around on Snap Chat, looking for attention at all hours of the day?

We all know that Snap Chat can be fun, but remember how divisive the app can be as well.  This app allows users to send pictures, videos, or text that vanishes after being seen.  In this scenario, you, the boyfriend, have no idea what’s going on behind the scenes or if your girlfriend is cheating on you by using SnapChat to communicate with other guys.

Is Using Snap Chat To Talk to Guys Cheating?

This is a question that could go either way.  I’ve seen women that have reacted very critically to me when I call them out for being on this app too much.  “You are controlling,” is one that remains in my head.

Snap Chat cheating
Is this app the end of your relationship?

The only way to really know if she is using this to cheat on you is to catch her using the app or immediately after, and find out who she sent the pic or video to.  If your gal is a the type to be risque and want to show off her body on social media, chances are she ratchets this up a level on Snap Chat.  If you think she is cheating, and she is very dodgy with her phone, well, she probably is. I hate to say it like that, but there is a very strong possibility it’s happening.

Even though it may not be cheating on a physical level, emotional cheating can be worse than physical.  If your girl has to Snapchat other guys so often, it’s probably a sign that you should move on and find someone who you can trust.

There is nothing worse than being somewhere with someone and their mind is in an entirely different place.  This is one of the most depressing feelings ever, and it can be a relationship killer.  While you are out dining, and she’s on Snapchat or uploading some photos somewhere for all of her followers to see, it’s a serious kick to the dick.  Followers are usually deviant fans who are just trying to get into her pants.  By her taking the time to tease them, even if it’s only a tease, it’s a serious slap in the face to you, the boyfriend.  Stop that relationship before it grows even sillier, and you can thank me later.

We’ve all seen the gal who is on her phone, then tucks it away quickly and rushes back into the conversation.  Unless she is a female Ari Gold, you have yourself a gal who most likely isn’t loyal.  If you are looking for no strings attached hook ups, check out one of these fuck apps and just live with the fact that you aren’t supposed to be emotionally attached.

What to do if your girl is a Snap Chat Addict?

If you find yourself in this situation, you have three options.

  1.  Talk to her about it.
  2.  Fight fire with fire.  Flirt with other women in the same way.
  3.   Run.

This is a choose your own adventure type quest right here. 

#1 could lead to the label of a “control freak.”  Nobody likes hearing that, because in this case, she’s the one in the wrong.  She will run around town telling everyone that you are a control freak, a psycho, jealous, etc.  So this is a down fall that you could stumble into, even though she’s the one purportedly cheating, even if just emotionally.

#2 is like middle ground. Maybe the sex with her is so great that you don’t want to lose that.  So you decide to to just jump in and start cheating on her.  This can only lead to bad things, but hey, if you are up for a wild ride, have at it my friend.

#3 is where I like to go when I have a deep live well.  I like to refer to women I am close to, whether casually dating or just have around me to hang out with from time to time, as women in my “live well.”  They are alive and kicking, and always there when you phone or text them.  Keep this stocked, and you won’t have the emotional attachment that will lead you to get overly upset when you find out that your girl likes her fans more than she likes being with you.

The key to keeping a stocked live well is to be a member of a lot of dating app sites.  The good ones though, like ones on this list:

#1:  Fling.com – Review

#2:  Instabang – Review

Start there, and you will be in good shape.

Dating Sites to Avoid

Affair alert scam

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And many more!  Read about all of them on this page.

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