The BAMN Site Scam Gets Exposed For Good
One thing I have zero tolerance for is scumbags trying to mislead consumers. I’ve been doing plenty of research over the last week and learned about a site called BAMN. Do yourself a favor and Do NOT visit the site. Just listen to what I have to say before you learn about this nonsense. I report the facts here at and trust me, this is completely relevant although it may not seem that way at first glance.
You’ll quickly find out that is not the upstanding site that you think it is…
Why You Must Avoid The BAMN Site
Okay, so I’ll help you understand what this site is doing to mislead consumers…
If you take a close look at the homepage, you won’t find anything suspicious about this site. To the naked eye, it looks like a site that cares about affirmative action, equality, and fighting for immigration rights.
Sounds awesome huh? Well, take a closer look!
If you do a search for this site in the search engines, you’ll quickly realize that they are trying to get you to click to send you to some shady redirect.
Here’s what I mean…
This screenshot below shows the internal results of the Bamn site for all pages related to “Hookup” and there are 740 results. You’ll get the same type of results for “hook ups,” “hookup site” and other leisure “dating” terms.
Dig deeper and read the content on these pages below. It’s gibberish nonsense, but that’s not the real problem here. The main issue is that once you click ANY of those links, they redirect you to another website. Which is This is nothing but a scammy registration page that’s the common scam taking place within the industry.
An important message that means nothing…
Here are the stupid questions….
You click through and they continue to send you on a wild goose chase attempting to get you to eventually give up your name, email, and credit card information.
The site that they send you to is Asia Charm or something like that and the marketing company behind this offer will be let unnamed but they’re scumbags based on the searches that I’ve done.
I guess my point is pretty simple. You don’t want to waste time using a website that does nothing but front like they care about consumers and society only to let this redirect nonsense take place.
If the people have a problem with me exposing them like this, then they can refer to the email I sent them notifying them of the issue a while back. Had they actually done something about it, perhaps I’d keep my mouth shut, but they didn’t.
Therefore, they are 100% to blame for consumers getting scammed via the web.
If you know of any other sites partaking in this redirect nonsense and credit card banging, then please reach out to me. I want to know who they are, what they do and how I can put an end to their foolish antics!
If you want real dating advice from someone that’s not going to scam the heck out of you, then just keep reading my blog updates, opinions on dating apps, and my recommendations.