Fansonly aka Fans4Daze Is Just What We Need
For those of you that are horny like me, you probably scour the Internet looking for chicks to smash. Some of you may eventually end up on OnlyFans. Don’t worry, it happens to the best of us. Now, while it’s not the best place to meet girls to bang, it’s still pretty fun. I was browsing one day and came across the Fansonly account. Now, for those of you with any type of sense of humor, you’ll love this account!
Fans4Daze Is Pretty Cool – Pun Intended…LOL!
FansOnly is perfect for the guys that get off to cool air. If you’re an air conditioning lover or one of those objectophilia guys, then this might be right up your alley. It’s literally an account dedicated to showcasing photos of fans (account link).
Yup, the fans that you’re thinking of. Fucking hilarious and I have to give massive credit to the guy in Rhode Island that started this account. There are literally close to a hundred posts here and 400+ subscribers are keeping a close eye on this account.
If you get off to high-powered fans blowing air around, then this account is sure to do it for you. Now, all joking aside, if you’re looking to hook up, you’re probably better off avoiding entirely. Instead, I suggest trying to meet someone on an NSA dating app instead.
I also suggest checking out the article below for some tips and tricks for meeting girls. If not, cool down with these sexy photos of fans4daze – LOL!