Orange County Escort Agency Bust Exposes Human Trafficking
What do you Johns do when Backpage Los Angeles gets shut down? Oh, no worries, you just find the local escort agency. But wait, one of the largest ones was recently shut down, and today I’ll share with you all the details. In a report out of ABC 7 in Anaheim, four people were arrested previously that ended a year long look into a high end prostitution ring run 100% by females. The service ran through Utah, Nevada, and California and had over 50 women involved who are now seen as victims of human trafficking. Why do I feel like I have been reporting these stories constantly? Let’s take a look at how this Orange Country Prostitution ring went down.
Humans Being Trafficked in Latest Orange County Prostitution Bust
“In the e-mails, the conversations between them, the amount of pressure and duress that’s put on them – they just won’t tell us – puts them in bad situations,” said Sgt. Juan Reveles with the OC Human Trafficking Task Force. “This is pure exploitation of women by women for financial gain.”
The company name used to run this Orange Country escort agency was called “Companions” and the investigators said it was ran by Jodi Leigh Hoskins, who herself looks like she could get plenty of takers if she threw her name in the ring as an escort. Seriously, what a looker.
The business was running for about a decade, according to the above video. Customers would make initial contact with the girls by phone or using the website. They had call centers located in Palm Springs and Santa Ana.
Phones, computers, and documents were taken from the offices, and they were assuming that client lists would be found somewhere in those files. If the women accused of operating the business are convicted, they will face a lot of time in prison for pimping and pandering.
Hundreds of thousands of dollars have been seized in the operation. This was not a small time escort agency, it was widespread and very popular.
Reports also indicated that they are not only looking for victims of human trafficking but also looking to prosecute customers who were the lifeblood of the business.
Why do I feel like Charlie Sheen’s name will come up eventually?
This story is one that is told too often. People using people in human trafficking situations, forcing them into sex acts for their own financial gain. It’s a sad tale that has become a staple in our society and in my blog roll, sadly. In this case, it’s an odd one because this is 100% female ran, and there aren’t any signs of force or torture (that we have seen reported) so it’s a bit different from the ones like the scumbag in Lake Worth, Florida who was making his sex slave clean up his Mom’s hurricane damage and stuff like that.
I’ll leave you with some photos of the supposed ring leader of this operation, who again, probably could be called a high end Los Angeles escort herself. Curious to know if she mentored her staff? I am.

Show of hands, who would smash?