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Big butt

How Your Sex Life Affects Your Butt Size – Everything You Should Know

Were you young when you got your first boyfriend or girlfriend? Many are, and they are often going to the same school, in the same grade, and thinking about losing their virginity. Typically, they skip class to make out, hang out with each other, sneak away, and tell a close friend that they plan to “do it” soon.

You may remember your friend telling you that your parents will find out because sex makes the butt bigger.

Most women find that their butt goes through many phases during their years of being sexually active. That generally comes from what they eat. However, they don’t take the big-butt warnings seriously. Still, many people do. You guessed it! Today, we’re talking about whether it’s a myth that sex could make your booty bigger.

What Google Says

There are a ton of heated discussions on forums, such as Quora, Girls Ask Guys, and Yahoo, about whether women get bigger butt sizes when they have sex.

Big butt

Clearly, people piece it together that sex is about preparing the body of a woman for pregnancy. When they have sex, the body naturally thinks it must prepare for a child.

Sometimes, there are claims online that sex makes a woman’s butt look bigger or widens the hips. Bloggers might even say that sex can help the butt grow. If you’re sitting in the car on your way to work or work while sitting, the same thing applies. Did you know you can squeeze the butt muscle and contract them?

Can sex make your butt bigger? It’s a question many people have at some point in life. Some people call it a myth, but others worry if the rumors have legs. Let’s dive in.


On the basic level, you know hormones influence how our bodies feel and look. Having sex ultimately alters those hormone levels in our bodies in various ways.

For example, sex impacts the “love” hormone called oxytocin. This is responsible for making you feel close to your sexual partner. Bodies release it when kissing and hugging, but the orgasm amount is much higher.

Sex will stimulate dopamine releases, which are the “happy” hormones that make you feel cravings that must be satisfied. When you orgasm, the body then releases dehydroepiandrosterone. This is basically the hormonal steroid and the driver behind that blissful experience of an orgasm.

The media even speculates that women who have sex more often have higher estrogen levels. That impacts the appearance and weight of the body. Likewise, a woman’s menstrual cycle can raise and lower the estrogen levels.

Recent studies indicate that there are hormones in semen, such as various prostaglandin, prolactin, estrogen, and testosterone, that can pass on to women and affect them mentally and physically.

If your hormones push into overdrive while having sex, and your partner’s hormones can affect your body, what happens when you bang consistently? Do the bodies respond and adjust with consistent sex, changing the way the body looks?

Doctor Weighs In

Dr. Charlotte Wilken-Jensen doesn’t believe that’s possible. She works at Hvidovre Hospital as the head of gynecology and obstetrics. She says that sex doesn’t stimulate long-term hormones within the body, so you don’t get bigger butts from sex.

According to her, many women push short-term hormones and long-term effects together, which is why they worry about their butt size and sex. Confusion about distinct functions of hormones in the body is to blame, too.

She says that when you have sex, your body releases oxytocin, so you get hot, and your vaginal lining is wet. However, oxytocin isn’t estrogen. That’s what stimulates the butt to change its size, and there’s no legitimate proof that sex releases large amounts of estrogen to affect you that way.

Just as you feel that your body changes after and during pregnancy, having sex can make you believe you’ve got a beautiful butt or that you’re experiencing a growth spurt down there.

Studies Say

The Studies

Studies have indicated that more sexual satisfaction and increased sexual activity can alter how a woman perceives her overall body size. For example, one study focused on 53 recently married pairs to determine if frequency and satisfaction impacted a wife’s body image, weight, and physical health.

Though their body weights and physical health weren’t affected by the sex they had, their body images changed. These wives felt sexually attractive, believing it was positively associated with how frequently they had sex. Therefore, perceptions of body size correlated with the sexual satisfaction of them and their partners.

It doesn’t matter if this is basic missionary sex, sex that utilizes special furniture, or other, we’re just talking sex in general.

Will Sexual Activity Change Your Butt Size?

If we believe the results, great sex often won’t really change the body shape. However, great sex can change how you perceive yourself. Dr. Wilken-Jensen agrees. She says when you’re sexually active, it’s a mental thing, and studies have shown this. Naturally, you express body language differently and carry yourself in different ways. Sex invariably impacts your self-esteem, which correlates to how you see yourself.

Still, it won’t necessarily make your butt bigger!

Ways to Get a Bigger Butt

If you want to make your butt bigger, can you do that? Generally, yes. If your butt and hips have a lot of extra fat on them, you may tone the butt to help it appear larger or firmer. The top ways to do that include:


As a woman, it’s important to know that your gluteal muscles aren’t just the booty cheeks. They encompass your hips and part of the legs.

Exercise to get bigger butt

Squats are the best way to make your butt bigger, at least perception-wise. You can also do leg lifts and many other exercises to tone your gluteus maximus. Butts tend to appear more shapely when you focus on the muscles.

Creams and Surgery

If you’re a woman who prefers big butts or wants one for yourself, you may choose enhancement products, like creams and pills. A big butt makes you feel confident, and you can swipe some of that lotion on it to help you tone and shape it.

Likewise, surgery is another choice, though it’s not in everyone’s price range.

Can Anal Sex Change Your Butt Size?

Can anal sex make your buttocks bigger? It depends on what you mean by “butt.” If the term refers to the cheeks, then no. However, if you’re talking about the sphincter and anus, then it’s a possibility.

There’s an old wives tale out there that says anal sex makes a woman’s butt larger, which was a way to prevent people from doing it in the past. Fortunately, anal sex cannot make you get a big booty.

The only way to have curvier hips and a rounder behind (or extra cushion for that pushin’) is to target those areas with exercise.

However, I must point out here that frequent anal sex could cause you to have a larger sphincter (butthole), though it’s not probable.



Were you wondering if your fantastic sex life could get you a beautiful, rounder booty? I’m sorry to say that this is just not possible. Hormones don’t affect your body shape, but you might think your butt looks good.

rounder booty

Can anal sex make your butt larger? Again, it won’t change the shape of your actual behind or hips. However, it could enlarge your sphincter or anus if you do it enough.

Hopefully, I didn’t burst your bubble, but as long as you live in the moment and have safe sex, there should be no issues. Try various exercises or some special creams if you want a larger butt!

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