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Scat Kink – Why the Hell do People Have a Poop Fetish?

Today I went down a deep, dark path of something that scares me more than anything in life.  What I’m talking about is Coprophilia, otherwise called scat.  We commonly call this poop, shit, or more professionally, fecal matter.  Call it what you want, it’s downright gross, and writing about the scat kink may be the darkest moment this blog has ever seen, but I feel like I wouldn’t be doing my civic duty unless I was truly covering all topics related to sex, so while I feel like poop doing so, (pun intended), here it goes.

What is a Scat Kink?

fecal matter sex

Coprophilia is the technical word for the act of getting arousal or sexual enjoyment out of fecal matter.  I’d never heard that term before, but had heard about the scat kink largely through people who accidentally took a dump on their partner without the intentions of doing so.

I consider myself a fairly dirty man, willing to try about anything hetero, but I’v seen what shoots out of my rear end after a night of wings and beers with the guys.  Heck, it’s not anything that I’d want near me even if I was eating a raw foods vegan diet!  The thought of poop being anywhere but the bottom of the toilet where it belongs just grosses me out.  Seeing just about everything possible and hearing the rest from my involvement of studying the porn industry closely, you have to know that the world of sexual deviancy and exploration goes beyond what your wildest imagination could possibly come up with.

The Hot Karl

You’ll even see references in the sexual glossary, poking fun at the scat sex kink on websites like Urban Dictionary.  You’ve probably heard of the good old hot Karl by now, but in case you haven’t:

hot karl

Scat Derives from Scatology

Scatology is a Greek word that means anything related to fecal matter.  Funny how “doing it Greek” is really just anal sex, isn’t it?

The origins of that word come from the Greek word for “Dung,” which is simply “scat.”  Now that you have some new sex terms to impress your friends and family with, let’s get into the bizarre world of the poop kink, shall we?

The Poop Kink

As I alluded to earlier, poop is something I like to keep my distance from, even if it is my own.

Pooping makes every new relationship very uncomfortable, and I’m one to try to avoid it around a new woman I’m dating at all costs.  However, while I’m clearly in the majority with that line of thinking, there are people who are simply into the whole poop thing.  Anyone considering themself to be a scat fetishist loves to introduce poop into their sexual encounters, and some of them do it in various ways, for example, watching someone poop, touching the dung, or even consuming –  yes consuming – I said it – the dump.  (Like anything else, I’m sure there are blogs related to different ways to incorporate your dung into someone’s bedroom.)

I think this is the part of the article I should let out a big giant disclaimer.


With that being said, let’s carry on.  

Humiliation is a type of sex fetish that many people do enjoy.  (Again, I’m not in that camp.)  They say that when people relinquish control it’s a massive release.

The poop kink belongs in that category, and many people will perhaps be into that stuff.  People well outside of my inner circle, mind you.  But I don’t judge, and if you are looking for like-minded people you can join up sites like FetLife and perhaps find some people into poop.

Why Do People Like Scat?

According to a Men’s Health article I read, the taboo of the whole poop fetish is that it really brings people back to the lessons they learned a a child.  Stuff like hygiene, and going into deeper like purity, virginity, and religion.  People who engage in the scat fetish will think that their partners seeing them in this dirty, unworthy, taboo state will make them feel very fulfilled, which can lead to a position of power.

I’d like to say that I’m going on record saying I’d like to NOT feel powerful.  Shitting during sex isn’t for me. I’m not one of this scat guys, and I don’t ever see myself having a “poop orgasm.”

But, I will definitely hook up with women for straight up sex and normal-ish type stuff.  You can find me on Fling.com, among other hook up websites.

Is Eating Feces Safe?

While playing with other people’s poop is generally safe, if you actually eat someone’s poop you do run the risk of having parasitic, viral, and bacterial infections.  Not only could you find salmonella in the fecal matter, but you could also find campylobacter, Shigella, and E. Coli.

Well, there you have it.  A pretty shitty way to start my blogging day.  I hope everyone enjoyed this article about pooping sex about as much as I enjoyed writing it.  On that note, I’m going to take a shower.

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One Comment

  1. Ian f mcdermid says:

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