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RubRatings Review

It seems like all of these websites that promote finding local massage parlors that offer “extra services” come and go as often as I change my underwear, but here we are in 2022 and yet another happy ending massage parlor has come across my radar.  Today I’ll share my Rub Ratings review, as well as take a walk down memory lane and remind everyone why it’s always best to avoid these types of places in the United States if you care about your public record.

What Exactly is RubRatings?

The site bills itself as “the hottest site for body rubs and massage providers.”  If that sounds familiar, you probably know all about rub maps.

If you visit RubRatings.com, you’ll see that it’s geared towards people from all walks of life, even married men and women.  Once you enter the site, the first thing you do is select your City.  You’ll see that they have everything organized geographically and the Cities that have providers have their own unique page.  For the sake of giving a proper Rub Ratings review, I clicked on my local area, Miami / Fort Lauderdale.

rub ratings fort lauderdale
rub ratings

I was curious to see what information they brought up, especially since a year ago I posted an article about all of the massage parlors in Fort Lauderdale. Will they have any overlap, or are these body rub providers people that are more “independent” and willing to travel to provide services?  This was my mindset going into this quest to seek information, so as you can imagine, being a local expert I was looking forward to what they had on the inside.

Unfortunately, once I tried to access the information in my locale, I was greeted with this message:

rubratings closed


Okay, I do know that the underworld of sex is very dirty, competitive, and obsessive.  I’ve seen more that my fair share of nasty comments from all sorts of people who disagreed with my stances or maybe the way they felt I objectified women.  Look, we all have our stances, and I do my best to reply to all comments, but if things get threatening (and they have) – I simply block the user’s IP address and don’t post the comment live to the site.  I run this for fun and education services, and I love blogging about deviancy, I don’t need any drama.

So I understand what Rub Ratings cyber attacks are, and they are very unfortunate.  All I can do for now is continue checking on this site and give my full review when it’s back up and working again.

rub ratings

In the mean time, I do tell people to be very cautious when seeking sexual services at rub and tug massage joints.

Paying for sexual services can get you in a WHOLE LOT of trouble, not to mention, public embarrassment.  If you find yourself searching online for sex and entering terms like “erotic massage near me” you need to think twice about what you are getting yourself into.  I’ve done my fair share of blogging about busts here in South Florida and in other places in the USA and it’s not something you want to get caught up in, let alone, you don’t want to hurt people who may have been brought in via human trafficking.  I encourage you to visit my page about putting an end to human trafficking to read how gory some of the stats on.  You can access that content here.

I continued to click around the Rub Ratings website, only to be greeted with the same message in every other market I tried to access.  I’m going to continue checking back so I can update you as to my findings on this website.


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