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SnapchatFriends Review – Played Out Snap Scam Marketing Tactics

If you’re like me, then chances are you’ve been using snap type apps for years. I’ve been around this block so many times I can’t seem to keep track of the miles. Most recently, I decided to venture out in search of more Snap sites and in doing so I came across Snapchatfriends (full domain name snapchatfriends.io). This site looked awesome at first glance. I was super excited to find out.

However, that all changed as soon as I did some further research on the site. Don’t worry though, I’m going to share everything that I know about SnapchatFriends and what you need to look out for if you come across the site. In the event that you’ve got time and you want my personal opinion, then I’ll tell you which are the most popular hookup apps out there. then I’ve got you covered.

Please, keep in mind that EVERYTHING I’m sharing today in this review is 100% my personal opinion (which I’m entitled to). If you disagree with the review, then have a look for yourself and see how things pan out. However, I personally would suggest using many other Snapchat sites before using this directory.

Anyway, enough rambling on, let me get down to business here…

Find Snapchat Friends Site Homepage

What I Learned Investigating The SnapchatFriends Directory

Here’s everything that I came to know when using this website. Before I get started, I want you to understand that the Snapchat Friends website is not affiliated or connected with Snapchat, Inc. They are not endorsed by the company either. Now that we’ve got most of the legal jargon they present out of the way, here’s what you need to know.

This Might Not Be Real

The first thing I want you to think about is whether or not this is truly a real site. What I mean by that is that there are lots of fake Snapchat directories out there that do nothing but scam you. It’s possible that this is one of the same. Why do I say this? Well, simply put, there are too many scams out there not to think the worst at first and that’s a fact. So keep that in mind when using the site.

Connections To Other Sites

The Snapchatfriends.io admittedly commits that they are connected to a couple of other sites. What they’ve done is try to showcase their site as being able to connect you to other users within other social networks such as IG, Kik, and more. You’ll notice that they have links to InstagramFriends.io, Kikfriends.io, and more on the site. The worst part is that they’ve got a link to a fake dating site on the homepage where it reads, “Snap Teens” and this is nothing more than a marketing scam tactic. They are not really connected to this website.

Popups Galore

If you start clicking on the website, you’ll notice that a ton of popups occur, regardless of where you’re clicking. That’s because they’re trying to send you elsewhere for some reason.

Ask yourself this questions, “Why on earth would they want to send you elsewhere?” The answer most likely is that they know they don’t add any value to your experience and all they want is your money. Simple as that.

Fake Page Views

snapchat friends profile views

If you get as far as looking into individual profile pages, you’ll notice that there is a view count on the page. When you refresh the page, the views do not increase. This tells me that the view count is likely fake.

Login Leads To Pops

find snapchat friends pop up
This popup was too explicit but I wanted to show you want to be on the lookout for!

Once again, tons of pop-ups on this SnapchatFriends site. I mean, you can’t even click the login link without being sent to a pop-up window. I cannot stand pops and when they start to occur I’m typically out of there quickly as possible. Trust me, any site that has popups when clicking the login button is completely bogus in my personal opinion. They’ve got zero respect for end users and their goals, period.

Users Are Too Young

This might be the number one reason to completely avoid using SnapchatFriends. The users in the profiles are showing up as those being under the age of 18. If you see this on any social media site or dating app please do me a favor and just – RUN! Using this site can get you in a huge amount of trouble so it seems. They legally should not be posting any content of individuals who are not at least 18 years of age. So consider this your final warning.

Conclusion: You Will Not Find Snapchat Friends on Snapchatfriends.io!

Once again, here’s a summary as to why I avoid this site!

It may…

  • Not be a real Snapchat directory
  • Be connected to a fake site where snap teens link leads to
  • Have a ton of popups
  • Showcase fake views on profiles
  • Have a login button that leads to pop-ups
  • Have users that are way too young

I can almost guarantee that you will not have any luck finding real Snapchat friends if you join this site. Instead, you’ll most likely just be bombarded with marketing emails and nothing more. If you’re looking to connect with friends on Snapchat that might be looking to hook up, then you’ll want to start right here!

Looking for a full list of the best sites? If so, then just join one of those listed below:

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