HookupGeek Review: Fabricated Online User Numbers? Perhaps…
Verdict Up Front: This is my Hookupgeek.com review and I outline why I think it sucks. It’s not a good site and this explains all the details for you today. Keep reading for the full scoop and then some. I’ve been on a tear lately writing reviews and doing super thorough investigations of not only dating apps but escort sites as well as review sites that I come across. Truth be told, I can’t cover all the ground that I want to but I try my best. That said, I recently came across a website called HookupGeek.com and had to shed some light on a few things I learned about the site.
I typically don’t call out review sites just for the hell of, but this time I had to go out of my way to do so. The reason being, something just didn’t rub me the right way and I wanted to get to the bottom of it. The site reminded me of the HookupGuru.com. I called them out on some things which I did not agree with and I’m going to do the same here. So, that said, I guess you can consider this my official HookupGeek.com review.
My HookupGeek Review Tells All
Okay, so I have a bone to pick with this website for a number of reasons. But before I get into everything, I’m going to come right out and give them some kudos for a fantastic-looking website. It’s got a nice GUI/UX I’m sure, but none of that matters really because of the way they’re doing things here.
See, I was being nice for a second there. Now time to get to the important stuff…
The Hookup Geek site has an interesting tagline, “EASY AS NEVER BEFORE” which to me is quite misleading given the recommendations they’re making here. I’ll kick things off with the homepage.
The Homepage
Here’s what I don’t like about the homepage. If you take a look at what they’ve got listed as the “Best Adult Dating Sites” you’ll notice that they have five sites listed here. Of those that are listed, to the best of my knowledge, four of the sites incorporate fake profiles or fantasy profiles into their network.
This means that when you join the site, you’re going to find profiles of members who don’t really exist. As for the “Best Adult Webcam Sites,” I can’t really say much about those because I’m not an avid user or fan. What I can say is that the first few seem decent, but the number of online people that they display is absurd. They have no way of knowing that (I’ll get into that are for sure).
Further down the homepage, you’ll notice photos of smoking hot girls. I want you to know that these are not girls who use these sites. They’re not members of any sites and to be quite honest, they are Shutterstock images that have been purchased to use as marketing material. Thankfully and I commend them on this, they FULLY disclose that these photos are taken from Shutterstock. They’ve done this part the right way, unlike some of the other review sites out there.
Site Protection
I do have a problem with their disclosure of being protected by McAfee, Norton Secured, TRUSTe, and DMCA. They do not properly link to any of these security sites aside from the DMCA banner.
That leads me to believe that they may have just posted these images to make the surfer feel more comfortable during their visit. After all, if a surfer isn’t comfortable with using a site, they will just leave and not click any links.
I’ll give HookupGeek another kudos for having a solid Instagram account, but what I need to question is whether or not they’ve gotten permission to post the hot photos of the girls that they’re posting.
User Feedback Is Fake
They have a section called user feedback and they’ve posted feedback from Tevoris Mack. Oddly enough, Tevoris is a stock photo image from Shutterstock and other sites. This makes me question whether or not this is a real user comment. Then there is Mark Sierra, Eric Shaffer, Chad Fifer, and Sharon Gallimore. Oddly enough I couldn’t find anything online about any of these people.

Trusted By Section Is Trash
Ugh, not again! Just when I had a little bit of faith that this site might be just a smidgen of legit, that all went out the window as of now. They’re showcasing a section with logos for Men’s Health, Playboy, GQ, Maxim, Esquire, and Men’s Journal.
I’m going to go out on a limb and say that NONE of these companies really endorse the HookupGeek website. In fact, maybe I’ll reach out to them and find out if they do and how they feel about the company using their logos on the site.
The Blog Section Blows
Keep scrolling down and you’ll notice that there is a blog section that they’ve created with writers named Jessica Walker and Adam Evans. I took the time to do reverse image searches on these bloggers and learned that they too are stock photos – SHOCKER.
Let’s move on to the actual review pages…
So, I’ll use the WellHello.com review page as an example here. They’ve actually got a real 5-star rating system in place here, so that’s a good sign. However, what’s strange to me is that the criteria does not fluctuate with the ratings that consumers give. In other words, the six criteria sections are fixed and in-house ratings. Nothing wrong with that, I just find it odd that they have one rating consumer-based and another fixed.
I hate the fact that they show 783,000 people online at WellHello when they have no way to prove this. It’s complete bullshit to be blunt.
I need to give them props for being honest about the bots and the moderators, but what I don’t get is how they have this ranked as the #1 adult dating site when you cannot hook up with a bot or a moderator? And why do they have this site ranked as #1 when it’s only got an 85% hookup rate while others have better hookup rates displayed and more users online?
Smells kinda fishy to me, that’s all I’m saying…
In Conclusion I Cannot Recommend Using HookupGeek
Sorry, but I tried to like this site and the company behind it, HookupGeek Ltd., but there are just too many things going on here that leave a bad taste in my mouth. There is no doubt about it that they do put forth the effort to review dating sites and webcam sites but I cannot suggest taking their advice.
Their recommendations are not in alignment with what most people would consider a solid adult dating site. Lastly, I’d like to add that I wasn’t able to find any information on their company, HookupGeek Ltd. online when it should have been easy to do so.
That’s how I feel about this site and if you’re looking for an objective approach without the use of stock photos, fake online users, fake numbers, etc, then head to my homepage and check those apps out.
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