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Plenty Of Hoes Review: Just Plenty Of Marketing Redirects!

Everyone knows what Plentyoffish.com is all about. Given that it’s so popular (even though it kinda sucks) it’s no surprise that copycat sites out there exist. In this case, we’ve got Plenty of Hoes that’s taken the “Plenty Of” approach to capitalize on copying the company. If you’re looking to connect with a “hoe” then you’ll likely eventually end up on this plentyofhoes.com website.

It’s the word hoe that attracts people because who doesn’t want to hook up with an easy hoe? The problem is that you’re not going to be hooking up with anyone on this website. Here’s the whole rundown of everything that I know about POH.com. Do yourself a favor and do not attempt to use this site unless you read this report in full. Trust me, you haven’t got a clue as to what you’re getting into here. Although, you probably are asking yourself, “Is plenty of hoes real?” “Is it legit?” Fear not you’ll find out here now.

Oh, before I kick things off, I should say that I’m not playing Mr. Nice Guy here today. Not a chance. I’m in a bad mood and this site, unfortunately, is going to hear it from me as a result.

Plentyofhoes website

PlentyOfHoes.com Sucks – Here’s Why…

Let’s dive right into things without wasting a second on anything else. The Plenty of Hoes does nothing for consumers, plain and simple. They come out and marketing themselves as being one of the hottest online dating sites on the Internet. Guess what, it’s nothing of the sort.

Here are some of the main reasons why this site is bad, not worth it, and a complete waste of time and money. It’s the redirects that really piss me off more than you can even imagine – PERIOD.

The Site Just Redirects

If you’ve ever used a dating site, then you know that it’s not normal for them to redirect you to an external page. Trust me, all the sites that I currently use have no type of external redirects in place at all. However, Plenty of Hoes does nothing other than these ridiculous marketing redirects.

They show you a number of country options thinking that whatever country you’re from, you’re going to click on that country flag. Well, when you do, you’re redirected to a different website completely. They actually redirect to different sites depending on the country flag that you click on!

In short, the site has been working with other dating websites and they’ve created a marketing campaign that scams users out of money. I don’t say that because Plentyofhoes is scamming the end-user out of their money. Nope – not at all. It’s actually the company that they send you to that’s scamming users (in my humble opinion).

What Site Are They Working With?

When running this test, I learned that the site was working with Meetwild.com. The problem is that MeetWild does two things that I absolutely do not condone. One of the things they do which is complete crap is they have the right to duplicate your profile and use it however they feel necessary for the greater good of the network. Sounds like a bad deal right? That’s because it 100% is a really bad deal.

Another thing that I need to mention to you is that the MeetWild.com website admits to sending customized automated messages. These custom messages are from fake users and it’s plain to see because lots of the images are stolen or used on other sites like TheChive.com and Photobucket.com. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to learn that this is completely unacceptable and fake.

MeetWild.com Redirect

Upgrading Is The Objective

This site has one objective and it’s to get you to upgrade your membership. They send messages in order to convince you to spend money in hopes that you’ll have a better on-site experience.

Landing Page

I’d like to mention how cheesy and cookie-cutter the homepage is here too. They’re showcasing one stock photo of a girl and that’s it? Really? Come on, they must think people are idiots to join this just based on the landing page.

Conclusion: There’s Nothing That Plenty of Hoes Can Do For You

The bottom line is that Plentyofhoes.com is trying to push you over to another site in exchange for money. They don’t really care whether or not you get laid. All they want is your money, nothing more than that. In my opinion, the company is trying to profit off of the huge success that POF.com has had over the years. The redirects that POH.com has in place are not okay and they’re going to cost you time and money.

Do yourself and others a favor, submit a complaint to the BBB if you’ve been taken for a ride here.

Now, if you want to actually get laid, then the list of sex dating websites on my homepage will help you hookup no question about that.

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