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My Recent “OnlineBootyCall” and What You Can Learn From It

I’ve been known to use some pretty shifty dating sites over the years and I do this to test things out for others. One thing I normally don’t do is share my “onlinebootycall” experiences with users. I typically prefer to keep the details of me hooking up with local women private but today I’m spilling the beans and telling you everything about my latest hookup. I’ll kick things off by stating that it was a booty call that I’ll never forget!

onlinebootycall jenna shea look-alike

Details of My Latest Onlinebootycall And How Life-changing It Was!

The first thing that you need to know about all this is that it didn’t happen on a whim. I strategically planned this hookup and it’s what I’d consider to be a fantastic life experience. The day started with me using one of the many OBC dating services out there. While I have a strict regimen that I follow and even a checklist for this stuff, I decided to switch things up a bit.

Instead of using the original site that started it all, I went for something more tech oriented and direct as I was looking for someone that barely wanted to know my name. Really and truly, I just wanted to get laid and call it a day.

Well, in order to do that, I used this specifc service and started connecting with some girls on the site. I ended up coming across a girl that looked almost identical to Jenna Shea. If you don’t know who she is, she’s a super hot escort that bangs lots of NBA and NFL players. Jenna has no shame and doesn’t hide the fact that she’s all about banging for cash.

Well, I thought I hit the jackpot when I saw this look alike and sure enough I did! After sending a simple message to the girl, it turned out that she lived within blocks of my home in South Florida. It didn’t take long to line up a meeting spot at the local hotel which had a really nice restaurant and bar in the lobby area.

I went above and beyond what I normally do and spent some money on a nice dinner. I knew that it was important that I “show off” a bit and let her know that I was the real deal.

After we had some drinks and enjoyed a nice meal together, things started getting VERY personal. She was asking what I liked to do for fun and if I’d ever spent any time staying in this hotel. The Jenna Shea look-alike went as far as asking if I’ve seen the rooms, telling me that they were a “must-see.” At that point, I knew she was totally DTF (unlike girls on this site).

I ordered another round of drinks and told her I was heading to the concierge desk for a moment. I rented a hotel room for the evening and proceeded to meet her back at the table. From there, we headed up to the room casually sipping our cold drinks.

When we got to the room, I thought that she was going to want to buy a bottle of champagne or something. Turns out she didn’t want any of that! Instead, she slipped off her dress and proceeded to walk around the room wearing nothing and sipping her drink!

Needless to say, I ended up banging this girl for hours on end in every which way you could possibly think of. I brought enough rubbers for an army as I was ready for it.

That recent booty call made my week, heck maybe my month just due to the fact that she was so damn hot! Since we’ve mutually agreed that this is nothing but dinner and sex on a whim, we’ll be seeing each other from time to time in the near future I’m sure.

The moral of this story is quite simple. If you see a girl on a dating site that looks out of your league, go for it! You never know what they’re going to say and there’s a good chance that they are just as horny as you are if not more. Show her a nice time, spend some money on dinner and drinks. Be sure not to skimp on the hotel room either. Chances are you’ll get laid over and over if you do this…

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