Local Black Milfs Review: Interracial Dating (For Me) Has Never Been So Fake!
Have you ever gotten the urge to want to bang a hot black milf? If so, you’re not the only one. See, I’m a white guy that loves black girls and on certain occasions, I’ll try to find one locally. That’s one of the reasons I signed up for Local Black Milfs. I assumed that it was a top of the line interracial dating network.
Guess what, it was nothing of the sort. Before I get into the details of things, you’ll want to know what it’s going to cost you to join. I’ll cover that first before getting into my personal experience using the site. From there, I’ll give you a run down of everything that I learned while using this website run by Plymouth Associates, Ltd.
My User Experience Using Local Black Milfs
First thing is first, let’s cover the cost involved with this ridiculous site. Be ready to pay between $8 and $119 depending on what type of membership you’re looking to get. They offer 3-day trials, monthly subscriptions, 3-month, and 6-month subscriptions. Whichever you prefer to choose, know that you’ll be wasting your money doing so. Now for the things that I really hate about this site…
Online Cuties Ruin Everything
I’ll start with the worst aspect of the Localblackmilfs.com website. You’ll quickly learn if you join that this site incorporates the use of “Online Cuties.” These are basically fake users that the company has filled the member’s area with. Many sites will use these to try and get you to become a premium member. Unfortunately, it’s all just a marketing scam and nothing good ever comes out of it.
Let’s assume you come across a smoking hot black girl in an “Online Cutie” profile. Guess what, she’s never going to meet you and won’t even do a video chat with you. All they are used for is obtaining your credit card information, simple as that really. Every “OC” on the site is a fake profile aka fake user, simple as that.
The Terms Are So Whack
When you first join Local Black Milfs, you’ll quickly notice that you must check a box. The box basically confirms that you’ve agreed to all the terms and conditions of the site. Guess what, in those terms, you’ll find language that mentions the use of fake profiles, credit card charging, contract workers and a bunch of other crap. I simply cannot stress enough how important it is that you read these terms before joining.
Auto Messaging Is Not For Me
Another thing you’ll encounter when you join the Local Black Milfs site is a bunch of auto messages. These eventually become uber annoying. The instant messages you get are not even from real people. They are fake member chats which have been programmed to be sent to you. The Online Cuties will contact both free users as well as paid. How annoying does that sound?
Contractors Won’t Hookup
Have you ever used a website where a contract worker went out of there what to meet you in person? Not a chance! That’s because they’re only paid to communicate with you online. Here’s how it works at Localblackmilfs.com. My guess is that they have a bunch of people sitting in an office operating profiles as if they are real members. They communicate with users, email them, maybe even send pics from time to time. The bottom line is that you’ll never meet this contract worker to have sex. They are getting paid to communicate with you, that’s all. If you’re already disgusted with this site and the things you’re learning, don’t worry, there are services that don’t partake in this nonsense. I’ve listed them all the best on this page, so check them out.
Fake Email Flooding Your Inbox
When I initially joined, it took me some time to setup my profile. I was busy and didn’t even have time to upload a photo. One thing led to another and soon after I registered I noticed my inbox was flooded with emails. I’m talking a ton of messages stating that some member wanted to connect, chat, meet online, and do a bunch of other stuff.
The messages kept coming and I hadn’t even filled out my profile completely. Once I did, the number of messages received actually got even worse! To top things off, they weren’t from real people, just online cuties.
Contact Them
Hit the company up and ask them all the questions you have. Here are the phone and email info (1-619-900-1607 andĀ support@fastdatingsupport.com).
Conclusion: Local Black Milfs May Not Even Exist Here!
If I had to take a wild guess, I’d go ahead and say that close to all of the profiles on the Local Black Milfs website are fake. This is of course based on my personal research but I know what I’m doing when it comes to dating online. If you decide to join this site, be on the lookout for the OC star logo which indicates that a user is an Online Cutie.
You’ll want to stay away from them. As for banging black girls, you’re honestly better off using something else. I’ve recommended plenty of other options for you on the homepage alone. Good luck!